Diy Bed Room Ideas

Just a smidgen of an update

So, I'm pretty sure we live in a wind tunnel.
I should have taken before pictures, but totally didn't think about it until now.
Oh well.
But our cute little spiderwebs turned into spun cotton.
The wind reeked havoc on them.
It was a pitiful sight.

But then at the store yesterday,
I saw something amazing.

Did you know they made BLACK spiderwebs?????
Why didn't anyone inform of this matter????

Well. I now have black, not white, spiderwebs that for now...does not look like spun cotton.

Here's just a small look at my a little spookier than my last post....hopefully::

Yes, I have to duck to go through the door.
But, its all in good fun ;)

Now to get the foam gravestones up.....I just have to wait for the rain/snow/wind/etc.etc.etc. to go away.

Fall Front Porch

I absolutely love fall.
But this year....I'm thinking I'm even liking Halloween just as much.
Thus being that the spiderwebs are now up....

The spiders are out....
And the mice are up to no good.
I just love how they look on the stairs in the first picture.
And those spiders still get me sometimes when I'm out on the porch.
I have like 20 of them hiding, and still have to hold back a scream sometimes when I see one in the shadows...and I'm the one who put them there!

I couldn't help not putting these cute little mice on my baseboards:
It looks like the middle one fell off the stairs :)

I couldn't wait to do this this year now that we have our 'window' boxes.
My geraniums are somehow still flourishing, so I had to place my gourds and pumpkins around them for now...but all in all, I'm thinking I'm liking the look of them.

Happy Fall everyone!!!

Add 4 inches of molding for only $15

This beautiful room:

Use to look like this:

You can barely see the molding on the bottom of the picture above.
But. I guess. Thats the point :)

We painted first the room first. And it saved us a lot of time not having to try to paint down to the baseboards, because with what we were going to do next, it didn't matter.

Supplies needed:
Miter saw
A room that needs some love and character ☺

To get the illusion of Great.Big.Tall baseboards that are usually $$$$$$$.
All you have to do is get some cheap molding.
For this whole room, it only cost $15 for the molding.
Paint it the color you want - matching the existing baseboards.
Get a level, this made this job soooo super easy.
Place the baseboards on the bottom and the molding on top.
And start nailing away as you move down the wall. 

We put a nail almost every 12 inches.

Once you are are done:
Just paint in between the molding and the baseboards!
And you instantly have VaVaVoom baseboards....on the cheap!


Guest Room Update...on the Cheap!

Okay. So I am so excited at how the below room turned out.
So much excited that its not even done yet but I HAVE to show you it.

You should have seen this room before.
It was dark, dingy, claustrophobic.
Oh. And the only full wall was covered with a baseball game mural.
Stadium, players, spectators.
The whole nine yards.
And the whole entire wall.
My client took these before pictures for me - isn't it great. lol.
A little boys dream ☺

This entire room cost under $500 to do - and thats pretty much having to buy everything.
The only thing I had to work with was my client's bed.
It was too bad I didn't have any furniture to redo, but I gotta tell ya, it sure saves time!

My finishing touches are actually putting a comforter in the duvet cover☺
Right now it just looks like a sheet on top of the bed, but I promise its not!
I'm going to install some black bamboo blinds, put in a chandelier and add molding to these shelves, so they look somewhat 'built in':

Then find a fantastic mirror to put above dresser.
The one I bought originally would have been perfect, it was chic and contemporary, but I pulled it out of the box and it was shattered.
And I can't find anymore like that.
So the search begins....again.

Here's the before of that same corner:

We painted the walls porpoise grey.
It looked a tinge blue.
I'm not sure it it was because of the room being in the basement
or the fact that the color just got mixed wrong.
Probably a little of both.
But, all in all, it turned out to be a great color to go with the white and burnt orange accents.

Stay tuned for all the small projects it took to build this space....on the cheap! ☺

Fall Wheat Topiary

Sorry that its been for.e.v.e.r. since my last post,
I've been out of town the last few weeks
trying to round up the last few days of summer.

Now that I have finally experienced summer,
I am totally ready for fall!
In fact, I bought some pumpkins last night ☺
And my maroon mums are out in full bloom ☺
My fall door wreath is already up ☺

It isn't too early for all of this, is it?

Now that I'm in the fall spirit,
(Not that I'm wishing summer away, which I'm totally not)
I'm in the mood for fall decor, of course, and fall crafts.

I found a beautiful wheat topiary at the store the other day, fell in love, and then noticed the $30 price tag.
I fell out of love really quick with that one.

So, instead, I made my own for not even $5.

Supplies needed:
Terracotta Pot
Wheat floral stem
Spray adhesive

First, I sprayed the foam with some adhesive and then put some moss down on it, then sprayed the top of that also. Then painted the pot.

I then took apart the stem by unraveling all the floral wrap/wire stuff,
and started poking away!
I went from the center outward until I got the desired look I was going for.

I finished off the pot with some more moss and spray adhesive.
I totally like this unkept kind of rustic look of the moss over flowing.

Made a nice little bow with the ribbon.

And there you have it!

I am definitely thinking that mine is better than the one I saw for $30 and it was only at a fraction of the cost ☺
